Friday, September 14, 2007

Regarding the Hypersexualization of Women in Comics...

This post (over at 79 Soul) is a (long) response to a conversation that I was having with Azundris about comics that was prompted by Zuzu's post about Wonder Woman, over at feministe. It started off as a post about the cheesecakey/pinuppiness of women in comics, and sort of evolved from there. The post is pretty long, so I'm not exactly cross posting it, but if you get a chance, and are interested in comics, give it a look.

1 comment:

Themistocles said...

I don't have a lot of experience with comics, but reading this post, I was continually imagining the Simpsons in my mind - a show where no (main) character is sexualized really at all, and the characters that are easiest to identify with (Lisa and Bart, mostly) are a.) children, and b.) generally preceived by other characters as being uncool or unattractive (More obviously with Lisa, but Bart is occasionally derided for being chubby, only has one friend, is constantly under assault from bullies, and maintains a number of unfulfilled crushes). So I'm not sure how that jives - maybe it's the problem of viewing a 'realistic' comic/cartoon portrayal versus one that's purely fantasy, even if the art doesn't go that way?