Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I want my dick to be neither sick nor dangerous, thanks...

I was cleaning out the ol' spam folder on my e-mail, and amid the normal mess of "male enhancement" spam was one with a title that made me do an actual double-take.

"Make your dick sick and dangerous!"

We apparently live in a world where that seems like a good promotional tactic to someone. I'm not sure which is more disturbing: the person who thinks that's good ad copy, or the person who reads that and thinks "Why, yes. Yes I would like to make my dick sick and dangerous!"


Anonymous said...

...there's a joke to be made here about vds, but I won't go there.

Anonymous said...

...there's a joke to be made here about vds, but I won't go there.

Aww, I was about to go there. Does that make me a bad person? ;.;